Sunday, September 12, 2010

Could I hear in death your voice and your breath?

Graphite on paper. Scribble.

Tobacco cane smoulders between darkening skin
as tambourines touch
and pretty voices sound.

Blank breath drawn
killer sharpens her tongue,
pauses, and vomits yellow teeth.

Soldier white pages lay upon loose flesh
but slowly they find themselves being drenched in thoughtless black
that bloats and wields it's way onto the gradient.

Plastic caught beneath the tracks
leading to the shore where platted flowers hum over a stone cold bed,
sheets buried in the sand.
Bubble gum pink bubble popped. Dry.
Mind stretched and milk blood drawn from your sons and daughters,
their shoes untied. You smile.

Gargoyles drag carcasses from an empty sea,
there my head rests. Cryptic.
Entombed. DB.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The needle and the damage done.

Digital Photographs. Brainstorming ideas.

Cancerous breath swollen in the wake of a murderous day,
beautiful things lay. Still.

Fingertips dance light like lash brushed cheeks.
And you didn’t think to remember me while you were trumpeting vendetta,
sewing machines belted to bike wheels ploughing skin.

Bequeath to thee a drowned sailor's unrest.
Instantaneous. Solemn. DB.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What a typically shit thing to do.

Graphite on paper. Work in progress.

I read your letter, lines anxiously pulled in blue across the page forming structures that didn't mean a thing to me. Your confessions, ransoms confusingly noted in the emptiness that prevails of unkept promises; sewing through the mess. I search for you between my feet but you escaped after you broke in, swung between tiny veins, because you realised i didn't mean a thing to you. Its heavy and denied but to confess I knew you would break... me, freight train pulling me to it's gate because I knew I didn't mean a thing to you. DB.

"This is the moment that you know, That you told her that you loved her but you don't. You touch her skin and then you think, That she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me. Yeah, she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me. I wanted to believe in all the words that I was speaking, As we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling, All the playful misspellings and every bite I gave you left a mark. So one last touch and then you'll go, And we'll pretend that it meant something so much more. But it was vile, and it was cheap and you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me, yeah you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me". Death Cab for Cutie.